What do we do?
The St Francis Care Centre has expanded significantly since 1992 and offers 4 programmes presently.

The hospice can accommodate 48 adult patients suffering from illnesses such as Cancer, Diabetes Neuropathy, Hypertension, Dementia, Hiv/Aids, etc. These patients are cared for by professional medical staff and also have the benefit of a comprehensive counselling service for themselves and their relatives.

The Rainbow Cottage for children was founded in 1996 and provides residential care to 30 abandoned or orphaned children from birth to 7 years of age. A professional team of medical staff, teachers and a social worker take care of the children to ensure their well-being and the development of their full potential. The children aged between 3-7 years attend a nursery school on the premises. Children are referred to us by hospitals, other NGO’s, and home based care workers. Most of the children referred to us are very ill on arrival, malnourished and developmentally delayed.

The centre has an active team of care helpers providing home based care to persons living with life threatening and/ life limiting conditions in extremely impoverished informal settlements namely the Vosloorus community.

3 teams consisting of a co-ordinator and 3 lay counsellors each mobilise the communities on a daily basis to test for HIV so that they can know their status and also to establish their general well-being by testing their BP and Blood sugar. People who are tested positive or are found to have a BP or Blood sugar problem are referred to their local clinic for further management.